Our last day of pressing this season will be SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd. (please see below for days and times of operation)
About Slowpoke
Mieko, Milo and Dion moved to the farm in 2019 with the goal of starting a cider orchard and cidery, growing food for our family, and slowing things down a little . The orchard is getting established despite some ups and downs, planning for the cidery is on the back burner, and we're grateful for the food we grow and enjoy. We're still working on finding our inner Slowpoke.
We met Rae and Frank the first time we took a load of foraged apples to be pressed at Scrumpy's Apple Press & Cider House. Such wonderful, knowledgable and friendly people! We were really impressed with their operation and when we found out that 2021 was to be their last year running the business, we jumped at the opportunity to start up our farm-based fruit pressing operation using their model. We bought some equipment, built a barn, and with some amazing guidance from Rae and Frank we opened Slowpoke Cider Farm's Fruit Press in 2022! We hope we can do Scrumpy's proud!

The Cider Farm
There's a lot going on at Slowpoke Cider Farm. It took us a couple of tries to get our cider trees established. With over 400 1-2 year old trees in the nursery, We were excited to start planting out our 5 acre orchard in the big field this past spring. Mainly cider and heritage apple varieties, our cider orchard is a slow and steady learning opportunity for us!​
What else is going on? There's Appa and Momo, our two Kune Kune pigs. Meant as a breeding pair this rolly polly couple have become besties (strictly plutonic) and spend their days happily grazing clover and grasses and waiting for apple cast offs and belly rubs! We keep a small flock of laying hens for the family, and grow meat birds and fresh veggies seasonally as well.

Apples, Pears & Quince
You clean and pack your harvested fruit in ANY manageable containers, i.e. can be lifted out of your vehicle ​
Drop off your fruit along with your clean juice containers between 7:30 and 9:00 am.
​We'll help offload your fruit onto our receiving table and inspect while transferring to our standard milk crates.
We'll grind/mill and press your fruit using our commercial grade fruit grinder/mill and hydro bladder presses into the clean juice containers you provide.​
On request, we will add sulphites to juice being used for cider and perry making to stabilize the juice.
​Pick up your fresh juice between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Payment taken at pickup.
Juicing for 2024
Hello Fruit Juicers!
We're back!
Thank you all for coming by last season! We learned a lot about our operation including the fact that by the end of the season our team had collectively lifted close to 250,000 lbs worth of apple product! (Felt that!) So, in the spirit of self-care we have made a few adjustments:
​We will no longer be taking grapes. So sorry!
Your juice containers must hold a capacity of between 4 litres (milk jugs) and 20 litres. That means no juice jugs, pop bottles, mason jars, etc.
20 litre carbuoys must have handles or come in milk crates.
THANK YOU for your efforts in our self-preservation! We look forward to seeing you this season!
Pricing & FAQ's
$8.50 per milk crate (MC) of clean fruit (free of twigs & debris)
Payment can be made with cash, cheque or etransfer at the time of pick up.
There is a $17.00 minimum charge.
There is an additional $1.00 fee per milk crate if we have to clean your fruit.
Juice yield will vary based on ripeness, quality & type of fruit.
1 MC of apples = approx. 25-27 lbs = approx. 7.0 L of juice​
1 MC of pears = approx. 37 lbs = approx. 6.0 L of juice
* Due to possible cross-contamination via our presses to other customers' juice, we must reserve the right to refuse bad quality rotting fruit (if in doubt bring us a sample in advance). We do a final pick-over when we wash but please note it is the customer's responsibility to bring sound cleaned fruit.
Fruit Press Hours of Operation 2024
Slowpoke starting dates:
Saturday, August 17
Saturday, August 24
Saturday, August 31
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8
Full season:​​
September 12 to November 3
Open Thursdays to Sundays
WE WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 of the holiday weekend
Late season:
Last day of pressing for 2024 will be SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd.
Business Hours:
We receive fruit between 7:30 - 9:00 am
Pick up your juice between 4:00 - 5:00 pm